Inspirational Message:

Did Gary Coleman die of a regular stroke or a diff'rent stroke?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Congratulations to Craig, Mandy, and Sam!!!

My brother, Craig, got married last week. His new wife is a girl named Mandy, and she has a five-year-old son named Sam. I have only gotten to meet Mandy a couple times, but she seems like a really easy-going and fun person. I also know for a fact that she makes my brother extremely happy. Her son, Sam, is a really bright and awesome kid, and I have had a blast playing with him and my other nieces/nephew.

I wasn't able to be at the wedding, because I was down here in Argentina. This is what happens when you travel and/or live far away - life continues to move forward for the people who are important to you, and you miss out on a lot. People get married and have kids, and and couples separate or get divorced... Someone celebrates starting a new career, while someone else loses their job... There are birthdays and important dinners where lots of photos are taken, but you don't get to be in the photos. Kids grow up...

Travel and ambition often comes with this hefty price tag - things change, and you are not there for a lot of it. My mother reminds me of this fact quite often. I remember when my mom told me that my cousin, Josh, was getting married. He had dated a girl off-and-on for several years, and I assumed that they had finally decided that they wanted to be together. As it turned out, he was marrying a different girl that I did not even realize he had been dating.

Well, it appears that I am a bit of a narcissist. I started out writing about Craig's marriage, but I have somehow managed to make this about me. Congratulations Craig and Mandy! Craig is going to be a fantastic and committed husband, and I know he will continue to be a great father-figure to Sam. I'm really glad to have Mandy and Sam in my family.

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