Inspirational Message:

Did Gary Coleman die of a regular stroke or a diff'rent stroke?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Engagement Toast from Argentina

My buddy, Brian Hayden, asked his girlfriend to marry him. Even more important, he has asked me to be the best man in his wedding. On Easter weekend, a bunch of people from the wedding party got together in Destin, Florida to get to know one another and to celebrate the engagement. As the best man, I would have liked to have been involved in planning the weekend - but I could not even attend, because I am in Argentina. I checked out flights, and it would have cost me about U$S 2,400 to get up to Destin for the weekend.

Instead, I got my friend, Darren, to pick up 8 bottles of not too expensive champagne and take them over to Destin. Then I recorded this video-toast, and put it on YouTube. Everyone gathered in the room and toasted, and then I got to talk with everyone for a few minutes over Skype. Before watching this video, you should know that it took about 6 "takes" to get something presentable. "Takes"... that is a technical term that we use in the industry :-) Anyway, that means that I toasted to Brian and Anne-Moreland 6 times. In otherwords, I was a little buzzed by the time we recorded this one.

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